Results for 'David P. Kennedy'

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  1.  31
    Disciplinary stereotypes and reinventing the wheel on culture.David P. Kennedy - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):31-32.
    Gintis argues that disciplinary models of human behavior are incompatible. However, his depiction of the discipline of anthropology relies on a broad generalization that is not supported by current practice. Gintis also ignores the work of cognitive anthropologists, who have developed theories and methods that are highly compatible with the perspective advocated by Gintis. (Published Online April 27 2007).
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    The Astrological History of Māshā' allāhThe Astrological History of Masha' allah.P. Kunitzsch, E. S. Kennedy & David Pingree - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (4):565.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Katharine D. Kennedy, D. G. Mulcahy, Robert W. Zuber, Clinton Collins, Seymour W. Itzkoff, David P. Baral, Armin L. Schadt, Mark Oromaner, Donald Arnstine, Ronald Reed & Robert Donmoyer - 1984 - Educational Studies 15 (3):232-279.
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    On the organology of utopia: Stiegler's contribution to the philosophy of education.Joff P. N. Bradley & David Kennedy - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (4):420-432.
    We are living in and beyond two massive changes in the world, both of which must be addressed by education, the caretaker of memory. First is the geological era of the Anthropocene—a crisis...
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    Stiegler as philosopher of education.Joff P. N. Bradley & David Kennedy - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (4):332-336.
  6.  40
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Alan Mandell, David K. Kennedy, Spencer J. Maxcy, Jeffery P. Aper, James W. Garrison, Bruce Beezer, William J. Reese, Malcolm B. Campbell, Rao H. Lindsay & Deborah P. Britzman - 1989 - Educational Studies 20 (1):1-59.
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  7. The Office of Scientific Integrity.David P. Hamilton - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (2):171-175.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Office of Scientific IntegrityDavid P. Hamilton (bio)For most of the 1980s, the specter of scientific fraud popped into public view every few years, usually only to submerge again. Faced with several well-publicized cases of scientists who blatantly faked their data—among the best-known being Harvard cardiologist John Darsee (whose colleagues watched him forge data) (Broad and Wade 1982, p. 14) and Sloan-Kettering Institute immunologist William Summerlin (who painted black (...)
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    The Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. By GER Lloyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi+ 175. Price not given. The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-Fu Lun. By Anne Behnke Kinney. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990. Pp. xi+ 154. [REVIEW]Thomas L. Kennedy Philadelphia, Cross-Cultural Perspectives By K. Ramakrishna, Constituting Communities, Theravada Buddhism, Jacob N. Kinnard Holt & Jonathan S. Walters Albany - 2004 - Philosophy East and West 54 (1):110-112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedThe Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. By G.E.R. Lloyd. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Pp. xvi + 175. Price not given.The Art of the Han Essay: Wang Fu's Ch'ien-Fu Lun. By Anne Behnke Kinney. Tempe: Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State University, 1990. Pp. xi + 154. Paper $10.00.The Autobiography of Jamgön Kongtrul: A Gem of Many Colors. By Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrön (...)
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    By Author.David M. Craig, Robert I. Field, Ar Caplan, John P. Gluck, Mark T. Holdsworth, Bert Gordijn, L. Norbert, Henk A. M. J. ten Have, Norbert L. Steinkamp & Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2008 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 18 (4):405-407.
  10.  24
    Arab Science - The Astrological History of Māshā'allāh. Ed. by E. S. Kennedy and David Pingree. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, and London: Oxford University Press, 1971. Pp.xvi + 206. £4.75. [REVIEW]R. P. Lorch - 1973 - British Journal for the History of Science 6 (4):438-439.
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  11. Sacred Books of the Buddhists, Vol. XII, the Minor Anthologies, Part 4. "Vimāna Vatthu: Stories of the Mansions; Peta Vatthu: Stories of the Departed".Rhys Davids, Jean Kennedy & Henry S. Gehman - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (71):283-284.
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  12. An Empirical Study of Environmental Awareness and Practices in SMEs.David L. Gadenne, Jessica Kennedy & Catherine McKeiver - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (1):45-63.
    With increasing awareness of environmental issues, there has been rising demand for environmental-friendly business practices. Prior research has shown that the implementation of environmental management practices is influenced by existing and potential stakeholder groups in the form of external pressures from legislators, environmental groups, financial institutions and suppliers, as well as internally by employees and owner/manager attitudes and knowledge. However, it has been reported that despite business owner/managers having strong “green” attitudes, the level of implementation of environmental-friendly practices is low. (...)
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    Ethics of Spying: A Reader for the Intelligence Professional, vol. I.Joel H. Rosenthal, J. E. Drexel Godfrey, R. V. Jones, Arthur S. Hulnick, David W. Mattausch, Kent Pekel, Tony Pfaff, John P. Langan, John B. Chomeau, Anne C. Rudolph, Fritz Allhoff, Michael Skerker, Robert M. Gates, Andrew Wilkie, James Ernest Roscoe & Lincoln P. Bloomfield Jr (eds.) - 2006 - Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
    This is the first book to offer the best essays, articles, and speeches on ethics and intelligence that demonstrate the complex moral dilemmas in intelligence collection, analysis, and operations. Some are recently declassified and never before published, and all are written by authors whose backgrounds are as varied as their insights, including Robert M. Gates, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; John P. Langan, the Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Professor of Catholic Social Thought at the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, (...)
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    Debriefing and Accountability in Deceptive Research.Franklin G. Miller, John P. Gluck Jr & David Wendler - 2008 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 18 (3):235-251.
    Debriefing is a standard ethical requirement for human research involving the use of deception. Little systematic attention, however, has been devoted to explaining the ethical significance of debriefing and the specific ethical functions that it serves. In this article, we develop an account of debriefing as a tool of moral accountability for the prima facie wrong of deception. Specifically, we contend that debriefing should include a responsibility to promote transparency by explaining the deception and its rationale, to provide an apology (...)
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  15. Some School Books - 1. W. Michael Wilson: Latin Comprehensions. Pp. 123. London:Macmillan, 1969. Paper, 40p. - 2. David G. Frater: Aere Perennius. Pp. xi+119. London: Macmillan. 1968. Limp cloth, 75P. - 3. A. Mcdonald and S. J. Miller: Greek Unprepared Translation. (Modern School Classics.) Pp.191. London: Macmillan, 1969. Cloth, £1.25. - 4. B. Halifax: Small Latin. A Reader for Beginners. Pp. 96; maps, plates, and drawings. Slough: Centaur Books, 1969. Paper, 52p. - 5. Carla. P. Ruck: Ancient Greek. ANew Approach. First Experimental Edition. Pp. xv+599; drawings. Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1968. Paper, £6. - 6. Sidney Morris: A Programmed Latin Course. Part ii. Pp. 301; ill. London: Methuen, 1968. Cloth, £1.50. - 7. E. C. Kennedy: Caesar, De Bello Gallico vi. (Palatine Classics.) Pp. viii+162; 4 plates, maps and plans. London: University Tutorial Press, 1969. Cloth, 57½p. - 8. H. C. Fay: Plautus, Rudens. (Palatine Classics.) Pp. viii+221; ill. London: University Tutorial Press, 1. [REVIEW]Robert Glen - 1972 - The Classical Review 22 (1):96-99.
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  16. Is there a logical slippery slope from voluntary to nonvoluntary euthanasia?David Albert Jones - 2011 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 21 (4):379-404.
    Slippery slope arguments have been important in the euthanasia debate for at least half a century. In 1957 the Cambridge legal scholar Glanville Williams wrote a controversial book, The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law, in which he presented the decriminalizing of euthanasia as a modern liberal proposal taking its rightful place alongside proposals to decriminalize contraception, sterilization, abortion, and attempted suicide (all of which the book also advocated).1 Opposition to these reforms was in turn presented as exclusively religious (...)
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  17. Motivation and communities of practice in foreign language writing contexts.Kennedy David - 2012 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 12:41-70.
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    Guest Editor’s Introduction.David Kennedy - 1997 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 16 (4):1-5.
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    SEVEN The International Protection of Refugees.David Kennedy - 2004 - In The Dark Sides of Virtue: Reassessing International Humanitarianism. Princeton University Press. pp. 199-234.
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  20. Community of Philosophical Inquiry as a Discursive Structure, and its Role in School Curriculum Design.Nadia Kennedy & David Kennedy - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (2):265-283.
    This article traces the development of the theory and practice of what is known as ‘community of inquiry’ as an ideal of classroom praxis. The concept has ancient and uncertain origins, but was seized upon as a form of pedagogy by the originators of the Philosophy for Children program in the 1970s. Its location at the intersection of the discourses of argumentation theory, communications theory, semiotics, systems theory, dialogue theory, learning theory and group psychodynamics makes of it a rich site (...)
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  21. From outer space and across the street: Matthew Lipman’s double vision.David Kennedy - 2011 - Childhood and Philosophy 7 (13):49-74.
    This review of Matthew Lipman’s autobiography, A Life Teaching Thinking, is a reflection on the themes and patterns of his extraordinarily productive career. His book begins with memories of earliest childhood and his preoccupation with the possibility of being able to fly, moves through the years in which his family struggled with the effects of the Great Depression, through his service in the military during World War II, his discovery of the joy and beauty of philosophy, his academic rise at (...)
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    NINE Humanitarian Power.David Kennedy - 2004 - In The Dark Sides of Virtue: Reassessing International Humanitarianism. Princeton University Press. pp. 327-358.
  23. Young Children and Ultimate Questions: Romancing at Day Care.David Kennedy - 1991 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 12 (1).
    What follows is one piece of a series of conversations that I conducted with a small group of young children in a day care center where I was working in 1983. The children were between the ages of 3 and 6, and we had been together long enough to speak frankly and comfortably with each other. I used small group time to ask six questions, all of them about the ultimate issues - the origins, ends, and limits of things, death, (...)
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    On Knives, Infantia, and the Inhuman: A Lyotardian Reading of Incendies.David Kennedy & Walter Omar Kohan - 2016 - Childhood and Philosophy 12 (23).
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    The Role of a Facilitator in a Community of Philosophical Inquiry.David Kennedy - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (5):744-765.
    Community of philosophical inquiry (CPI) is a way of practicing philosophy in a group that is characterized by conversation; that creates its discussion agenda from questions posed by the conversants as a response to some stimulus (whether text or some other media); and that includes discussion of specific philosophers or philosophical traditions, if at all, only in order to develop its own ideas about the concepts under discussion. The epistemological conviction of community of philosophical inquiry is that communal dialogue, facilitated (...)
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    Acknowledgments.David Kennedy - 2004 - In The Dark Sides of Virtue: Reassessing International Humanitarianism. Princeton University Press.
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    FOUR Humanitarian Policy Making: Pragmatism without Politics?David Kennedy - 2004 - In The Dark Sides of Virtue: Reassessing International Humanitarianism. Princeton University Press. pp. 111-148.
  28.  38
    Reconstructing Childhood.David Kennedy - 1998 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 14 (1):29-37.
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    The Dark Sides of Virtue: Reassessing International Humanitarianism.David Kennedy - 2004 - Princeton University Press.
    In this provocative and timely book, David Kennedy explores what can go awry when we put our humanitarian yearnings into action on a global scale--and what we can do in response. Rooted in Kennedy's own experience in numerous humanitarian efforts, the book examines campaigns for human rights, refugee protection, economic development, and for humanitarian limits to the conduct of war. It takes us from the jails of Uruguay to the corridors of the United Nations, from the founding (...)
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  30.  75
    Community of Philosophical Inquiry and the Play of the World.David Kennedy - 2018 - Teaching Philosophy 41 (3):285-302.
    This paper seeks to identify the role of play in the design and function of Socratic dialogue as practiced in community of philosophical inquiry (CPI) in classrooms. It reviews the ideas of some major play theorists from various fields of study and practice—philosophy, cultural anthropology, evolutionary psychology, cognitive psychology, psychoanalysis, and education—and identifies the epistemological, ontological, and axiological judgments they share in their analyses of the phenomenon of play. It identifies five psychodynamic dimensions in which the Socratic play of “following (...)
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    Philosophy for Children and the Reconstruction of Philosophy.David Kennedy - 1999 - Metaphilosophy 30 (4):338-359.
    In this paper I trace the dialogical and narrative dimensions of the philosophical tradition and explore how they are reconfigured in the notion of community of philosophical inquiry (CPI), the mainstay of the collection of novels and discussion plans known as Philosophy for Children. After considering the ontology and epistemology of dialogue, I argue that narrative has replaced exposition in our understanding of philosophical discourse and that CPI represents a narrative context in which truth comes to represent the best story, (...)
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  32.  32
    Utopianism, transindividuation, and foreign language education in the Japanese university.David Kennedy - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (3):275-285.
    This article examines the current state of foreign language education in Japanese universities as illustrative of the troubling conditions facing the liberal arts in a globalized neoliberal milieu. The utopian ideal in education has always insinuated, at the least, a pedagogy that inspires personal agency, creative investment, challenge to power and social change. This imagining of incalculable futures, however, has been undermined by the seemingly inevitable and confluent forces of a networked world, represented most forcefully by the socioeconomic reductionism of (...)
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  33.  38
    Second Nature, Becoming Child, and Dialogical Schooling.David Kennedy - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (6):641-656.
    This paper argues that children as members of a perennial psychoclass represent one potential vanguard of an emergent shift in Western subjectivity, and that adult–child dialogue, especially in the context of schooling, is a key locus for the epistemological change that implies. I argue from Herbert Marcuse’s prophetic invocation of a “new sensibility,” which is characterized by an increase in instinctual revulsion towards violence, domination and exploitation and, correspondingly, a greater sensitivity to all forms of life. As the embodiment of (...)
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    (1 other version)Scenarios in banking ethics: responses, reflections and commentary.David Molyneaux, Lucia Webster & David Kennedy - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (4):255-268.
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  35. The social brain in psychiatric and neurological disorders.Daniel P. Kennedy & Ralph Adolphs - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (11):559-572.
    Psychiatric and neurological disorders have historically provided key insights into the structure-function rela- tionships that subserve human social cognition and behavior, informing the concept of the ‘social brain’. In this review, we take stock of the current status of this concept, retaining a focus on disorders that impact social behavior. We discuss how the social brain, social cognition, and social behavior are interdependent, and emphasize the important role of development and com- pensation. We suggest that the social brain, and its (...)
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    Card Games, Roughhousing, Traffic Jams & Thunderstorms.David Kennedy - 2003 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 16 (4):33-36.
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    My name is Myshkin: a philosophical novel for children.David Kennedy - 2012 - Berlin: Lit.
    My Name is Myshkin is a philosophical novel for children 10 years and older, which explores themes in philosophy of science, environmental philosophy, and philosophy of mythology through dialogue. The story takes place in the context of an adventure tale set in the near future, in which two children find themselves in the deep woods and they stumble upon a seemingly abandoned villa. (Series: Philosophy in Schools / Philosophie in der Schule / Philosophie a l'Ecole - Vol. 17).
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    Psychology and the Arts.John M. Kennedy & David O'Hare - 1984 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 18 (2):110.
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  39. Philosophy for Children and the Redefinition of Philosophy: Total Immersion at Mendham.David Kennedy - 1989 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 10 (1).
    Philosophy, like the IAPC Mendham seminar itself, is a place apart. I don't mean by this that philosophy is a realm of timeless ideas, or a dream time, or a place of the ancestors where all the seminal ideas are, although it may very well be that; what I mean is that when we do philosophy, everything stops. Everything stops, I think, because if, as we are flowing along in life and language, we encounter a problem, and we don't smooth (...)
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    Calvin and the Whigs: A Study in Historical Political Theology, written by Ruben Alvarado.Simon P. Kennedy - 2018 - Philosophia Reformata 83 (1):141-142.
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    Where Was the Doll Before It Was in the Dollmaker's Mind.David Kennedy, Matthew Schertz, Andrew Kenny & Henry Minarick - 2000 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 15 (1):46-47.
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    Roman Arabia.David Kennedy & G. W. Bowersock - 1985 - American Journal of Philology 106 (3):385.
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  43. A social semiotic approach to content-based (language) learning.Kennedy David - 2013 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 13:97-126.
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    The Idea of the Savage in North American EthnohistoryJesuit and Savage in New FranceThe Savages of America: A Study of the Indian and the Idea of Civilization.David Bidney, J. H. Kennedy & Roy H. Pearce - 1954 - Journal of the History of Ideas 15 (2):322.
  45.  10
    The number system of arithmetic and algebra.David Kennedy Picken - 1923 - Melbourne,: Melbourne university press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  46.  33
    Editors’ Introduction: Cognitive Modeling at ICCM: Advancing the State of the Art.William G. Kennedy, Marieke K. Vugt & Adrian P. Banks - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):140-143.
    Cognitive modeling is the effort to understand the mind by implementing theories of the mind in computer code, producing measures comparable to human behavior and mental activity. The community of cognitive modelers has traditionally met twice every 3 years at the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. In this special issue of topiCS, we present the best papers from the ICCM meeting. These best papers represent advances in the state of the art in cognitive modeling. Since ICCM was for the first (...)
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    An Archetypal Phenomenology of Skholé.David Kennedy - 2017 - Educational Theory 67 (3):273-290.
    In this essay David Kennedy argues that children represent one vanguard of an emergent shift in Western subjectivity, and that adult–child dialogue, especially in the context of schooling, is a key locus for the epistemological change that implies. Following Herbert Marcuse's invocation of a “new sensibility,” Kennedy argues that the evolutionary phenomenon of neoteny — the long formative period of human childhood and the paedomorphic character of humans across the life cycle — makes of the adult–child collective (...)
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  48. L2 Writing lnstruction in Japanese University Settings: Finding Authentic Audiences, Purposes, and Genres.Kennedy David - 2011 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 11:175-202.
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    A Companion to Augustine.Robert P. Kennedy - 2015 - Augustinian Studies 46 (2):307-311.
  50.  47
    Neoteny, Dialogic Education and an Emergent Psychoculture: Notes on Theory and Practice.David Kennedy - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (1):100-117.
    This article argues that children represent one vanguard of an emergent shift in Western subjectivity, and that adult-child dialogue, especially in the context of schooling, is a key locus for the epistemological change that implies. Following Herbert Marcuse's invocation of a ‘new sensibility’, the author argues that the evolutionary phenomenon of neoteny—the long formative period of human childhood and the pedomorphic character of humans across the life cycle—makes of the adult-collective of school a primary site for the reconstruction of belief. (...)
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